
MLPro - PPM Solution

DevOps is a practice that unifies people, processes and technologies between development and IT into five main practices: planning and tracking, development, build and testing, delivery and monitoring, and operations.


To help your business get the most out of its DEVOPS solutions, MLPro offers the experience of your deployments, planning and expert guidance by following the framework below:


MLPro - DevOps


MLPro solutions are built on its extensive experience in project management, PPM deployments and customizations performed over 125 solutions across multiple segments.


In addition to PPM solution implementations, MLPRO provides DevOps consulting and implementation services aimed at companies that want to reduce expenses, optimize system development, gain more flexibility in their customizations, integrate their team and improve the communication of their development teams. and operations.




With increasingly fierce competition among competitors, it is increasingly necessary to act responsibly and for this your team must act collaboratively while maintaining efficient and effective communication.


Key benefits of deploying DevOps are:

  • Greater flexibility and higher quality in source code development;
  • Higher productivity;
  • Cost reduction;
  • Greater agility to launch new products;
  • Better communication between work teams;
  • Continuous process improvement.






MLPro consulting can guarantee the optimization of your results because it acts in the integration of communication, tools used, changing the culture of the company and its employees aiming at the improvement of their organizational processes.


Although DevOps is largely based on the company's technology area, we emphasize that the deployment, adherence, and collaboration of company employees is critical to deploying it because deploying DevOps depends on changing the behaviors of corporate human resources.


There is no single approach to DevOps, and each company uses the concept of DevOps focused on their needs. The MLPro consultancy will implement it according to the characteristics and particularities of your company.




To learn more about implementing DevOps in your company, contact us.